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Prosperous countries that allocate less homework to students

Reflecting old days in school, and one cannot forget the dramas with homework assignments that we did every evening after all day in school learning. We could struggle with sleep and homework on the study table. During playtime, school days were excellent, and we longed never to end, but when it came to homework, the school was not so excited and fun. However, there are countries out there who offer students less or no homework, and they are successful. Yes, you heard me right, successful and offered fewer homework assignments. Is the offering of less homework, the secret to success? What are their homework solutions? In this article, we explore the countries that provide less homework and are thriving.


On top of the list of successful countries that offer less homework and is Finland. Finland is a European country that prides itself on offering 2.8 hours of assignments per week, long holiday vacations, and short school days. Besides, Finnish children are not obligated to begin school before they are seven years of age that sounds weird, child staying at home until the age of seven. Despite all these, the Finnish education system equips her students with requisite skills and knowledge, and they come at the top of matters examinations globally. For example, in science and mathematics knowledge, Finnish students rank sixth in the entire world. According to Finnish people, their education system works on absolute trust. Instead of overloading students with homework assignments at home, parents have faith that teachers will provide their children with the required education while they are in school. However, studies have proven that homework translates to better results, but the Finnish education system is proofing otherwise.

South Korea

Similar to Finland, South Korea allocate their students an average of 2.9 hours of assignments per week. Despite South Korea allocating relatively less homework per week, South Korea is positioned two in the entire world in their reading knowledge. South Korean schools had no structure until the last few years when South Koreans restructured their education system, and it became a significant part of their country’s development. South Korean restructured education system seeks to provide education to everyone regardless of his or her background. Though South Korean students rank at the top globally and enjoy fewer homework assignments, many questions linger as to whether they are successful. Instead of South Korean schools allocating more homework assignments to students, they pay close attention to constant testing and always pressure students.


The Japanese education system is the most unique, globally. Instead of teachers utilizing their knowledge to impart knowledge and skills to students, they teach them how to use internet resources to find answers to their problems. On average Japanese schools, offer her students 3.8 hours of assignments per week. Japanese students do not engage in brainwork. Instead, schools throughout the country do not hire janitors. Students themselves keep their buildings tidy and clean. Therefore, while schools in Japan do not overload students with homework, they prepare for other skills they will require to succeed in life.

Homework is a topic that draws varied opinions amongst people. Others believe that homework is the best strategy for students to learn, while others believe that students should learn everything in school without homework assignments. Finally, the successful countries that offer less homework have demonstrated that it is possible to succeed without giving students extra work after school.

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